List of active policies

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Privacy Policy Privacy policy All users
GDPR Site policy All users


Aris Soc Coop è consapevole dell’importanza dei dati personali dei propri utenti ed intende pertanto informarla e fornirle il massimo controllo possibile sulla gestione delle informazioni di carattere personale raccolte tramite la nostra Piattaforma E-Learning.

Full policy


Aris Soc Coop is aware of the importance of its users' personal data and therefore intends to inform you and provide you with as much control as possible over the management of personal information collected through our E-Learning Platform.

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully, which applies to every access to the Platform, even in the absence of registration.

This information is provided in accordance with European Regulation No. 2016/679 on the protection of personal data and the free movement of such data (the "Regulation"). The Regulations ensure that the processing of personal data is carried out with respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms and dignity of the data subject, with particular reference to confidentiality, personal identity and the right to protection of personal data.

This information affects you if you are registered to our E-Learning Platform or intend to register as well as if you are simply visiting our Platform.

Owner of the Treatment

Aris Soc Coop with registered office in Via Cassian Bon n. 1/A - 05100 TERNI (TR), enrolled in the Register of Companies of Terni at n. 01648460556, P.IVA/C.F. 01648460556 (hereinafter referred to as "Aris Soc Coop") is the owner of the processing of personal data of users who navigate on the Platform, such as navigation data, data voluntarily entered by you for the purposes of registration to the Platform, management of your Account and related support activities also through chat or to make requests through the appropriate Forms on the Platform or simply by e-mail to the addresses indicated in the Platform and marketing data.

When and how we collect your personal data

As soon as you interact with our Platform we start collecting data. Their collection can take place either through your specific communication or in an automatic way during your use of the Platform.

Here is how the collection takes place:

Your identifying information X

Navigating the Platform
Platform Usage X

Request to enroll in courses X

Marketing communications X (Only with your consent)

The Types of data we process, for what purposes, and what legal basis allows us to do so

Different types of personal data are collected and processed through the Platform for different purposes. We can only process your data for certain purposes and, in any case, always when there is a legal basis that allows us to do so. More specifically, we may process:

Navigation data

These are personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of network communication protocols Internet. This is information that is not collected to be associated with identified data subjects, but which by their very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, make it possible to identify users. This is, for example, the IP addresses or domain names of the computers it uses to connect to the Platform, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the requested resources, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the Server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numeric code indicating the status of the response given by the Server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters related to the operating system and computer environment of the user.

Purpose: We use this data for the sole purpose of enabling the operation of the Platform, to derive through the use of analytics (including through third parties, including Google Analytics) anonymous statistical information about the use of the Platform to monitor its proper functioning. The data could be used to ascertain liability in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the Platform.

Legal basis: the processing is based on the legitimate interest of Aris Soc Coop to ensure the proper safe operation of the Site and of the user himself to correctly navigate the Platform.

Data you voluntarily provide to us to register in the Platform, create your Account and access restricted activities or to submit your requests through the appropriate "Forms"

These are the personal data that you enter in the Registration Form to create your Account or the optional data that you can also enter later to carry out the activities reserved for registered users or even those that you provide us on the occasion of your requests made through the appropriate "Forms, such as, for example, the "Information Request" Form.

Purpose: We process this data to acknowledge your requests and provide you with the assistance and information you request.

Legal basis: the processing is based on the legitimate interest of Aris Soc Coop to provide the services of the Platform and respond to any requests from users.

Data you voluntarily provide to us to request enrollment in a course of interest to you

These are the personal data that you communicate to us as part of sending us your requests for course enrollment, upon registration and creation of your Account, such as your first and last name, telephone number and address e-mail.

Purpose: We process this data to enable you to conclude the service contract having as its object the training course(s) you selected.

Legal basis: the processing is based on the need to perform the pre-contractual phase prior to the conclusion of the contract.

Contact information for sending our promotions and business initiatives

Only with your explicit consent may we process your contact information (email, phone) to send you (via telematic tools, such as email, or paper) our periodic newsletter or information and updates on our training services, events and other initiatives promoted by Aris Soc Coop.

Purpose: processing is in this case carried out for marketing purposes.

Legal basis: processing is based on your consent.

You may change your mind whenever you wish. You may revoke your consent at any time by clicking on the appropriate link in the periodic e-mail that will be sent to you or by simply e-mailing us at:

Should you decide to revoke your consent and there is no other legal basis authorizing Aris Soc Coop to process your personal data, we will cease processing. Instead, should another legal basis authorize us, we will continue processing while always respecting your rights.

We do not perform profiling: we do not carry out activities to study users' habits and consumption choices.

What is meant by legal basis


It is the authorization to process your personal data for a specific purpose (e.g. for the marketing purpose just explained). We remind you again that you can always easily revoke your consent to the processing of your data for marketing purposes at any time, in the manner outlined in the previous section.

The contract

The processing of your data is necessary for information prior to the conclusion of a contract for training services provided by Aris Soc Coop.

The legitimate interest

Processing of your data is possible on the basis of our legitimate interests or those of third parties, provided that the same do not override your rights and freedoms.

Mandatory or optional nature of providing data

The provision to Aris Soc Coop of personal data collected through the Platform both to address its requests and queries and for marketing purposes is free, optional and optional. Therefore, failure to provide it does not restrict your use of the Site, however, it may make it impossible for Aris Soc Coop to fulfill your requests for information and informational materials, or to send you promotional materials, updates, newsletters, and invitations to Aris Soc Coop training events.

The provision of personal data (biographical data, e-mail address, telephone number) is necessary to carry out the execution of your request for enrollment in the training courses provided by Aris Soc Coop that you selected.

Failure to provide this data may therefore constitute, as the case may be, a legitimate and justified reason for not executing the application for registration and/or the provision of related services.

Depending on the case and, where necessary, the mandatory or optional nature of the communication of data will be indicated from time to time, by affixing an appropriate character (*) to the information of a mandatory nature,i.e. of only the data necessary for the provision of services and the purchase of products on the Platform.

Failure to provide optional personal information will result in no obligation or disadvantage.

How we handle your data

Data processing is carried out using mainly electronic methods. We guarantee that the processing of your data is carried out with the utmost security: in fact, we have taken appropriate physical, computer and organizational measures to ensure the protection of your data.

However, we must remind you that you must always keep your password secure to avoid fraudulent uses. If you have a perception that your data has been breached, please contact us immediately at

Aris Soc Coop communicates the personal data of users of the Platform only within the limits permitted by law and in accordance with the following. In particular, your personal data may be known to the following authorized parties:

Employees and consultants, who will act as authorized persons for processing for the internal organization of business activities;

companies that perform for Aris Soc Coop, as data processors, specific technical and organizational services related to the activities of Aris Soc Coop.

The processing of your personal data by the aforementioned parties is always carried out within the limits of the purposes for which we collected it, only when strictly necessary to ensure the maximum functionality of our services and in accordance with the security measures and good practices described in this Privacy Policy.

Your personal data may also become known to law enforcement or judicial authorities, in accordance with the law and upon formal request by such entities, or if there are reasonable grounds to believe that the disclosure of such data is reasonably necessary to (1) investigate, prevent, or take action regarding suspected unlawful activities or to assist governmental supervisory and control authorities; (2) defend against any claims or allegations by third parties or protect the security of your Platform and company; or (3) exercise or protect the rights, property, or safety of Aris Soc Coop, its customers, employees, or any other party.

Your personal data will not be disseminated in any way and will be transferred abroad only by ensuring adequate levels of protection and safeguards for the protection of such data, in accordance with current regulations. The data centers used by Aris Soc Coop to process the data collected are located in the territory of the European Union (Italy).

For more information and a complete list of our data processors, please contact us at

We will cease processing your data within 12 months of closing your Account, except for data related to course application which will be processed for as long as permitted by law and unless any legal obligations require us to retain your data for a longer time. For promotional activities directed at you, which you can always ask us to discontinue, we will retain your data for a maximum time of 24 months after your registration for the service.

His rights

The Regulations give you numerous rights over your personal data. You can always exercise your rights by emailing us at:

You have the right to access information about yourself. This includes the right to ask us for further information regarding: the categories of data we process; the purposes of the processing; the categories of possible recipients to whom the data may be disclosed; the data retention period or, failing that, the criteria for determining this period; and other rights regarding the use of your data.

We will provide you with the information within 15 days of your request, unless this would affect the rights and freedoms of others (such as another person's privacy or intellectual property rights) or if there are legal obligations that prevent us from doing so. We will, of course, notify you if we are unable to fulfill your request for such reasons.

He has the right to have his data corrected if inaccurate or outdated. You have the right to obtain The deletion of your personal data (right to be forgotten). You may, at any time, ask us to delete the your personal data in our possession, in case the storage of your personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes of the processing. You have the right to data portability. In the event that the processing of your data is based on your consent or contract, you have the right to receive your data in an interoperable format or to request that it be directly transferred to another operator. In the event of your request and if technically possible, we will directly transfer the data to the new operator. We will not proceed with any transfer if data portability also involves the disclosure of the personal data of other individuals. You have the right to object to the processing of your personal data by us. You can always turn to the Supervisory Authority to bring your complaints, if any. Before doing so, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to resolve any problems you may have with the processing of your personal data. You have the right to object to the use of your data through automated decisions, including profiling. Please note that Aris Soc Coop does not perform any profiling activities on your personal data and therefore in our case you would have no reason to exercise this right.

Thank you for reading this policy. If you have any questions or concerns, please write to us at:

This Privacy Policy may be amended in the future in connection with any changes related to processing, legislative changes, or simply to make it even more transparent, so please check it again periodically.


A cookie is a short string of text that is sent to your browser and possibly saved on your computer (alternatively on your smartphone/tablet or any other tool you use to access the Internet); this sending generally occurs every time you visit a website. Aris Soc Coop uses cookies for a variety of purposes in order to provide you with a fast and secure digital experience, for example, by allowing you to maintain an active connection to the secure area while browsing through the pages of the Platform.

Cookies stored on your terminal cannot be used to retrieve any data from your hard disk, transmit computer viruses, or identify and use your e-mail address. Each cookie is unique to the browser and device you use to access the Platform. Generally, the purpose of cookies is to improve the operation of the Website and the user's experience in using it, although cookies may be used to send advertisements (as specified below). For more information on what cookies are and how they work, you may consult the "All about cookies" website


Art. 13 e 14 del Regolamento 2016/679/UE (nel seguito anche “GDPR”)

Full policy

Aris Soc Coop srl (hereinafter also "Company" or "Owner") is committed to the respect and protection of your privacy and wants you to feel safe both while simply browsing the site and in case you decide to register by providing us with your personal data in order to take advantage of the services made available to its Users and/or Customers.
On this page, Company intends to provide some information on the processing of personal data related to users who visit or consult the electronically accessible sitoweb from the address
The information is provided only for the Company's website and not also for other websites that may be consulted by the user through links (for which please refer to their respective privacy policies/policies). Reproduction or use of pages, materials and information contained within the Site, by any means and in any medium, is not permitted without the prior written consent of Azienda. Copying and/or printing for personal and non-commercial use only is permitted (for inquiries and clarifications contact Company at the contact details below). Other uses of the content, services and information on this site are not permitted.

With respect to the content offered and information provided, Company will endeavor to keep the contents of the Site reasonably current and revised, without offering any warranty as to the adequacy, accuracy, or completeness of the information provided by expressly disclaiming any liability for any errors of omission in the information provided on the Site.

Origin - Navigation data

Company informs you that the personal data provided by you and acquired at the time of your request for information and/or contact, registration to the site and use of services through smartphones or any other tool used to access the Internet, as well as the data necessary for the provision of such services, including navigation data and data used for the possible purchase of products and services offered by Company but also only the so-called "navigation" data of the site by Users, will be processed in compliance with applicable regulations. The computer systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire, during their normal operation, some personal data whose transmission is implicit in the use of the Internet. This is information that is not collected in order to be associated with identified interested parties, but which by its very nature could, through processing and association with data held by third parties, make it possible to identify navigating users. This category of data includes the "IP addresses" or domain names of the computers used by users who connect to the site, the addresses in URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) notation of the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used in submitting the request to the web server, the size of the file obtained in response, the numerical code indicating the status of the response given by the web server (successful, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user's operating system and computer environment. This data is used for the sole purpose of obtaining anonymous statistical information on the use of the site and to check the correct functioning of the Company website. It should be noted that the aforementioned data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of computer crimes to the detriment of the Company website or other sites connected or linked to it: except for this eventuality, at present the data on web contacts do not persist for more than a few days.

Origin - Data provided by the user

Company collects, stores and processes your personal data for the purpose of provide the products and services offered on the Site, or for obligations by Law. With respect to some specific Services, Products, Promotions, etc. Company may also process your data for commercial purposes. In such cases, a specific, separate, optional and always revocable consent will be requested in the manner and at the contact details below.

The optional, explicit and voluntary sending of e-mail to the addresses indicated in the appropriate section of the Website, as well as the compilation of questionnaires (e.g. form), communication via chat, push notification via APP, social networks, call centers, etc., involves the subsequent acquisition of some of your personal data, including those collected through the use of Apps and related services, necessary to respond to requests. We also point out that when you use the mobile connection to access content and digital services offered directly by the Company or by our Partners it may be necessary to transfer your personal data to such third parties. We highlight that you may access the Site or connect to areas where you might be able to publish information using blogs or message boards, communicate with others, to example coming from the Company page on Facebook, LinkedIn YouTube, and other social network sites, review products and offers and post comments or content. Before interacting with such areas you Please read the General Conditions of Use carefully taking into account that, in certain circumstances, the information published may be viewed by anyone with access to Internet and all the information you include in your publications may be read, collected and used by third parties.

Purpose of processing and legal basis

The data are processed for the purposes:

  • closely connected and necessary to the site, the services and/or to the Apps developed or made available by the Company, to the use of information services, handling of contact requests or information, for the purchase of products and services offered through the Company website;
  • For ancillary activities related to the management of User/Customer requests and the sending the feedback that may include the transmission of material promotional
  • Related to the fulfilment of obligations under Community and national legislation, the protection of public order, the detection and prosecution of offences;
  • Direct marketing, sending advertising material, direct sales, fulfillment of market research or commercial communication of products and/or services offered by the Company; this activity may also concern products and services of Company Group Company and be performed through the sending of advertising/information/promotional material and/or invitations to participate in initiatives, events and offers aimed at reward users/ customers, made with "traditional" (a paper mail and/or operator calls), or using "automated" contact systems (for example SMS and/or MMS, telephone calls without operator intervention, e-mail, fax, interactive applications), pursuant to art. 130 c. 1 and 2 of D. lgs. 196/03 and s.m.i.;

Methods, treatment logics, storage times and safety measures

The treatment is also carried out with the help of electronic means or automated and is carried out by the Company and/or third parties referred to in Company can avail to store, manage and transmit data themselves. The processing of data will be carried out with logic of organization and processing of your personal data, including related logs originating from access and use of the services made available via web, of the products and services used related to the purposes above indicated and, in any case, so as to ensure the safety and data privacy. The personal data processed will be stored for the timeframe foreseen by the applicable legislation in the applicable time.

Always on data security, in the sections of the website prepared for particular services, where data are requested to the browser user, the data is encrypted via a security technology called Secure Sockets Layer, abbreviated to SSL. SSL technology encrypts the information before these are exchanged via the Internet between the user’s computer and the Company’s central systems, making them incomprehensible to non and thus ensuring the confidentiality of information transmitted; in addition, transactions made using electronic payment instruments are made using directly the platform of the Payment Service Provider (PSP) e Company retains only the minimum set of information needed to handle any disputes. Precisely in relation to the aspects of protection of personal data the user/customer is invited, pursuant to art. 33 of the GDPR to report to the Company any circumstances or events from which a potential "data breach personal data (Breach)" in order to allow an immediate evaluation and the adoption of any action to counter that event by sending a communication to or by contacting the Customer Service. The measures taken by the Company do not exempt the Customer to pay the necessary attention to the use, where required, of password/PIN of adequate complexity, which must be updated periodically, especially if the theme have been violated/ known by third parties, as well as carefully guard and make inaccessible to third parties, in order to avoid misuse and authorized.


A cookie is a short string text that is sent to your browser and possibly saved on the your computer (alternatively on your smartphone/tablet or any other tool used to access the Internet); this sending generally checks every time you visit a website. Company uses cookies for different purposes, in order to offer you a fast and secure digital experience, for example, allowing you to keep the connection to the protected area active while browsing through the pages of the site.

The cookies stored on your terminal can not be used to retrieve any data from the your hard drive, transmit computer viruses or identify and use your email address. Each cookie is unique in relation to the the browser and device you use to access the Website or use the Company App. Generally, the purpose of cookies is improve the functioning of the website and the user experience in the use of the same, even if cookies can be used to send advertising messages (as specified below). For more about what cookies are and how they work, you can consult the website "All about cookies"